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John J Craig, PhD
John Craig has a Phd in engineering. He is the author of “Robotics: Mechanics & Control” which is a leading university textbook for the engineering field of robotics. He has researched the hoof and shoeing systems for many years, and has been a speaker at the International Hoof Summit, and other venues. He is the developer of the Metron software used for in veterinary imaging. For the past 8 years he has been focused on using artificial intelligence to automate the understanding of veterinary images. He is the only non-radiologist member of the ACVR's AI Committee.
This is event is open to all faculty, residents, students, and staff.
When: August 7th, 2024 noon – 1PM
Where: Virtual meeting via Zoom https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/94272505572?pwd=SVhJWTBNYVR5WlZFSUFaVkVqMStudz09